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Woman working on her online business systems
Busting the top 9 systems myths: your path to business ease

Busting the top 9 systems myths: your path to business ease

Discover the truth about business systems. In this article, I debunk nine common systems myths that hold you back from creating ease, creativity, and profitability in your online business. From the belief that systems stifle creativity to the idea that you need to be tech-savvy to implement them, I uncover the real power of systems. Don't let these myths hinder your business success – read on and transform your business from chaos to calm.

Couple dancing bachata
Embracing the uncomfortable: what bachata taught me about business

Embracing the uncomfortable: what bachata taught me about business

Growth often hides in the uncomfortable corners we hesitate to explore. My journey from learning bachata taught me that avoiding the things we fear – be it a challenging dance move or a complex aspect of business – only hinders our progress.

Read on to learn how confronting my fear of body rolls on the dance floor mirrored the challenges many female online business owners face in embracing the technical aspects of their businesses.

Black female solopreneur embodying all four qualities of a successful business owner
The Sovereign CEO Compass™: The 4 qualities you need to run a profitable and sustainable business

The Sovereign CEO Compass™: The 4 qualities you need to run a profitable and sustainable business

Understanding who you are is critical to running a profitable and sustainable business. If you’ve tried all the latest mindset hacks, morning routines and journaling exercises but are yet to see any results, it could be because you’re missing one of the four essential qualities you need to become a successful solopreneur. Keep reading to find out more.

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Soulful Systems™ School

Are you a highly sensitive solopreneur who wants to lead an impactful, easeful and profitable business?

Join us in Soulful Systems™ School to learn how to build a simple, yet potent, systems suite that work for you and your unique brain so that you can finally run your business with ease, fun and flow.

What's your business persona quiz by Emilie Gomez