Soulful Systems™ 101 - A short online course by Emilie Gomez

Your journey into Soulful Systems™ starts here

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Learn how to create systems that support you and your unique brain so you lead an easeful, impactful and profitable business

(Get instant access for AU$97)

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I’ll cut to the chase.

You’re here because you know you need systems.

But you don’t know where to start.

There’s too much information out there…

  • mustard ticktoo many templates (that you can’t make work for you)
  • mustard ticktoo many so-called experts (who don’t actually teach you anything)
  • mustard ticktoo many platforms (do you really need one more?)

And you don’t have the time or patience to sift through all of these.

Plus, you don’t want another cookie-cutter approach.

You want systems that support you – systems that cater to your unique way of working and your unique brain.

In other words, you want what I call Soulful Systems™.

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soulful systems 101

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Soulful Systems™ 101 - A short online course by Emilie Gomez

Learn how to create systems that support you and your unique brain so you can lead an easeful, impactful and profitable business

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In this introductory short course, you’ll learn:

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The 3 elements of a Soulful System™ so you can easily create efficient systems
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What systems you need to create a sustainable business
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What systems you need to create a sustainable business
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Where you currently stand system-wise so you can decide on the path forward

Lessons are available as video (with closed captions), audio and text (transcript).

In case we haven’t met…

I’m Emilie

I’m an Online Business Systems Strategist and Soulful Systems™ Mentor.

By 2019, I’d been working as Process Improvement Specialist for 13 years and I’d spent 8 years trying to build a business as a life coach, crystal healer and Reiki practitioner.

It was not until I sat in a workshop as part of a soulful mastermind that I realised my superpower – a session on all things processes and systems.

My fellow solopreneurs felt lost. I was full of joy.

So I asked myself:

“What if I could support them to delight their customers, create flow and space, and spend their time doing what lights them up…while I help them streamline and automate all the ‘tech’ that drains them?

and…I did just that!

Since then I’ve supported many highly sensitive, impact-driven business owners like you in creating businesses that flow seamlessly and expand sustainably.

And through that work, I’ve developed my Soulful Systems™ Framework to teach you how to create a potent, yet simple, systems suite that supports you and works with your unique business and brain.


Emilie Gomez Systems Alchemy VIP Day
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Soulful Systems™ 101 is a self-paced introductory course and therefore isn’t for everyone.

You might want to give it a miss if…

  • neutral crossYou want support in creating your unique systems. I can help in Soulful Systems™ School or with my 1:1 services
  • neutral crossYou’re looking for a quick fix and templates. There’s none of that here – I teach you my Soulful Systems™ framework and how to adapt it to your business.

On the other hand, it’s perfect for you if…

  • neutral tickYou want a framework to help you develop systems that work for you.

Questions you might have before enrolling in Soulful Systems™ 101

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How long will it take to complete the course?

It depends on how much time you can commit to every day.

There’s about 2h10 worth of lessons, with the longest video being just over 30 min.

But this is just the “learning” part. Then you need to implement what you learn and I can’t tell you how long this will take as it depends on where you’re at and what systems you need.

What’s the next step after the course?

Soulful Systems™ 101 is the introduction to Soulful Systems™ School, my membership program. It actually gives you access to the first 2 modules and some of the resources. In Soulful Systems™ School, we go deeper into each system and I teach you how to design your unique systems.

If you join Soulful Systems™ School within 30 days of enrolling in Soulful Systems™ 101, the cost the course will be deducted from your first payment (so you don’t pay twice for the same content!).

What happens after I click Enrol?

You’ll receive an email to invite you to join The Soulful Systems™ Circle on Heartbeat where the course is hosted. Once you join, you’ll have access to the course.

Still have questions?

Email me at

Start your Soulful Systems™ journey today