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Stepping Into Entrepreneurship

Ready to transform your business?

Download your Freedom Roadmap

Freedom Roadmap a free resource by Systems Strategist and Intentional Productivity Coach Emilie Gomez

In this free guide, you'll unveil the secrets to creating systems that work for you, so can become the Sovereign CEO of your business. 

Last updated: 1 Mar 2023
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A Sacred Business Podcast Interview With Sora Surya No

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege to be interviewed by one of my spiritual teachers and clients, Sora Surya No for her Sacred Business Podcast.

In this episode, we discuss my transition from the corporate world into entrepreneurship – from my first coaching and healing practice to my current business, helping women coaches and healers build businesses that grow with ease and flow.

I share how my spiritual journey, including a 14-month Priestess mastermind, was pivotal in both transitions, how it impacts my business to this day and how I serve and support my clients as a result.

We also talk about how to bring your ideas to life without feeling overwhelmed by the tech and how to hire team members, like me, to support you with your day-to-day and your big projects.

Have a listen and let me know your biggest takeaway in the comments.

You can also listen on iTunes or Spotify.

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Listen to my interview in Sora Schilling’s Sacred Business Podcast, where we discuss my transition from the corporate world into entrepreneurship - from my first coaching and healing practice to my current business, helping womxn coaches and healers build businesses that grow with ease and flow.
#entrepreneurship #podcast
Systems Strategist, Intentional Productive Coach & ClickUp Alchemist supporting changemakers and rulebreakers to run their business with ease, fun and focus so they’re free to change the world.

Hi, I’m Emilie!

I’m a Soulful Systems™ mentor for highly-sensitive women who want to lead impactful, easeful and profitable businesses.


Single Star Rose Gold


Ready to transform your business?

Download your Freedom Roadmap

Freedom Roadmap a free resource by Systems Strategist and Intentional Productivity Coach Emilie Gomez

In this free guide, you'll unveil the secrets to creating systems that work for you, so can become the Sovereign CEO of your business. 

Single Star Rose Gold
Your Profitable and Scalable Systems Toolkit

your profitable + scalable systems toolkit

The exact steps to take to create systems that will allow you to scale your business and explode your revenue.

Listen to my interview in Sora Schilling’s Sacred Business Podcast, where we discuss my transition from the corporate world into entrepreneurship - from my first coaching and healing practice to my current business, helping womxn coaches and healers build businesses that grow with ease and flow.
#entrepreneurship #podcast
Listen to my interview in Sora Schilling’s Sacred Business Podcast, where we discuss my transition from the corporate world into entrepreneurship - from my first coaching and healing practice to my current business, helping womxn coaches and healers build businesses that grow with ease and flow.
#entrepreneurship #podcast